Thursday, September 2, 2010

New and Improved!

Hey, what about them x-rays!!?   O    M    G   !!!
We were finally presented with my before and after x-rays yesterday. I couldn't wait to see them, and I must say that I do have a particularily compelling set!  We decided not to show the "before" pictures before my surgery - they are just a little too scary...
If you look at the front facing "before" picture, in the lower curve,you can see where I had a severe case of lumbar stenosis (I mean you can't exactly see it - but that's where it was).  At L4/L5 (that's vertebrae talk) my spinal cord was being squeezed so that last year's MRI report said there was no spinal fluid detected in that area!  When we were here for my pre-op appointment in July, Dr. Lenke was looking at my x-rays with his entourage of fellows and we heard him say, "It's really a mess in there".  yikes. Without intervention, my spine would have kept curving, causing BIG problems down the road!
So it's a huge improvement, huh!  And it will never get any worse.  :)
Except for a drug induced state of loopy-headedness, things are going really well, I'm getting stronger every day, able to do more and more.  In fact, we've decided to go home a little early - Saturday.  YAY. 

I noticed something cool yesterday - I've had a few standing x-rays in the past year, where you get into this booth and have to stand still for 10 minutes or so. In the past, because of the leg weakness caused by the stenosis, standing still without support was really hard.  So yesterday,I got into the booth, and even with all the new aches I have, I realized that I didn't get fatigued while standing! And my new aches will go away... Awesome. We are anxious to go home - can't wait!
Thanks for your love and support.  I


  1. We have so enjoyed your posts. Thanks for sharing. The xrays are so interesting. Yikes! We are happy for you. I am heading for Pentwater tomorrow for the Labor Day week. Will check back to see how you are doing when I get back, or maybe walk down to Johnson's to take a peak. All the best from Steve and Jan.
