Monday, September 6, 2010

2 weeks post op

Hi Everybody,
It's SO nice to be home.
I can't expect every day to be better than the last, but over all, I see improvement.
Dave is taking great care of me.  Sharon and Audrey (daughter and grandbaby) were here yesterday and today as well.  Sharon made an awesome tortellini soup - and Audrey is a powerful endorphin machine!
I'm walking really well, sometimes without the walker!  I have a hospital bed set up in the living room so I can be where the action is.  I go upstairs once a day to sleep and shower.  You heard me.  I TOOK A SHOWER!!
The pain medication is very effective.  That's the good news.  The bad news is that the side effects are a pain the rear end.  The most annoying one has to do with my digestive track (nuff said).  And I've been really ability to correct Dave has been severely compromised by these drugs (sez Dave).
My sister, Patty is arriving tomorrow from Seattle and staying for a week.  Since Dave is back to work, she'll be keeping an eye on me.
I'm figuring out how to move in my new body.  My spine is fused from T1 to the sacrum - so I can't bend my back at all.  Getting into and out of bed requires rolling to the edge, getting my knees to go over, and carefully pushing myself up sideways.  The challenge is to always have my shoulders and hips in line.  No twisting at all.  After a year goes by, and the spine is fully fused, I'll be able to squat to pick things up - gotta keep those leg muscles strong!
I think I'm almost 3 inches taller.  When Dave puts his arm around me, he says he feels like he's with another woman - a little disconcerting!
All for now,


  1. nice ~ home with friends and family! Looking good, Momma~

  2. Nanc, you sound wonderful! 3" taller, wow! Patty will take great care of you. Dave sounds like he has been a gem! xoxoxo Peg

  3. Hi Nancy! Sounds like you are doing really well. So great to see! The pain meds did the same thing to me. My mind did not function well for sure. I still have slow moments, but it is alot better now. I was on the pain meds for about 9-10 weeks. Duane trys to fool me and tell me we talked about something while I was on the meds. I have no idea. :)
    Lots of new movements, but it does get easier. I just told my body this weekend, "back, you need to get over this and get on with life". We have to accept it will be a year or so.
    Enough rambling, thinking lots of you!!
