Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Movin' on up!

The nice ICU nurse tells us that as soon as the movers get here to push the bed, we're blowin' this pop stand for a private room in genpop. Yay!

Also, one of the doctors on Team Lenke came by to check on Nancy and mentioned this was the most challenging procedure of this type he had worked on. Because of the previous 43 year-old fusion, he said her lower back more closely resembled a femur than a spine!


  1. Dave, thanks for keeping us up to date. Nancy, we admire your fortitude and courage. Our best wishes for your post-op recovery,

    Roy (oldfogey) and Debi

  2. Good Morning, Such great news. I can tell the love and support flowing between you and Nancy is going to carry you through this. Nancy sounds like she is really doing well for this soon after surgery. I am learning she is a tough one!
    Please tell her Hi and I'm thinking of her.
    Duane sends his congrats on the success.
